Build Better Fictional Worlds
Some of you on here follow me because of my posts on anthropology and worldbuilding. Well, last Friday a colleague of mine released a new book aimed at using the social science of anthropology to build more authentic and immersive fictional worlds in the fields of game design, fiction writing, and filmmaking.
Kyra Wellstrom (A Biological Anthropologist with a background in forensics) and I wrote this book to both to introduce people to the core concepts of anthropology and also to help them understand how cultural systems work. As you read the book not only will you understand the various elements of culture, but you will be able to understand why some fictional worlds work really well and some don’t.
So if you have enjoyed my various blog posts on fictional worldbuilding and some of the key elements you should include, consider taking a deep dive into this volume and learning a little about anthropology and how to build better fictional worlds
Here is the blurb from the back cover:
Using the social science of anthropology, anthropologists Kyra Wellstrom and Michael Kilman introduce core concepts of real cultures to help readers understand how cultural systems work. What makes cultures tick? How do concepts like race, gender, class, language, religion, medicine, history and evolution work in the real world? This book provides a tool kit for understanding anthropology and real world cultures so that your fictional worlds are more holistic, engaging and immersive.
Our book hit #1 in the best new releases in anthropology last Friday and held the spot for 48 hours. It’s currently #3 in new releases for anthropology and already getting some great reviews. Check it out here!